Welcome to GreatWeather which now boasts over 2000 links to UK weather forecasts, charts, rain radar, satellite imagery & more showcasing the huge variety of weather websites! The site was originally launched in September 1995 as Ant Veal's UK Weather Centre with just 4 links. Its aims remain the same to provide a comprehensive directory of online weather links that appeal to anyone interested in UK & Irish meteorology; and to be trustworthy & unbiased with content from weather companies, universities & professional meteorologists shown alongside amateurs.
New links & updates are highlighted for around 2 months & the site is updated regularly. I welcome suggestions for new links & updates to existing. Please email me at web @ antveal dot com. Cheers, Ant Veal.
LATEST NEWS: I've added 593+ new links & updated 135+ since December 2022. Site last updated
14 April, 2024.